Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I’m So Proud

I took T to school again this morning. We did things a little differently , like switched his booster seat to the other side, so he could get out easier in the drop off line. I could tell he was nervous on the way to school, but he said he was just listening to the music. This time I got to watch him as he walked in, and I could tell he was scared; he started to walk real fast. I don't think he saw anybody he knew so that made him a bit more scared. He has never been without me like that. Alone, without a familiar face. I cried. I love that little boy like nothing else and it's as hard on me to watch him grow in this and let go, as it is for him to learn to be a bit more independent. I'm proud of him, because it is something that he is not worried about and he knows he can do it. I'm watching my little boy grow up and it's a wonderful experience, but I don't want him to get bigger and loose this innocence.

I also know that next week, walking inside from the drop off line will be second nature and he will be a little more confident.

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